While every effort is made to ensure that the information provided on this website is current and accurate, you should not assume that this is always the case, and should consult other sources before making any decision to act on this information. This includes the Price List.
1. Web Sites: On acceptance of quote, we require the following:
- A 50% deposit of the total amount of your quote.
- Remaining amount is to be paid in full on completion of job.
- On completion of the job we may require a testimonial.
- On completion of the job you give us permission to place a link in the footer to our web site.
- We may put a sample of the work we did for you on our site, with a link to your site.
- The quote & time that it takes to complete the web site can be effected by a delay in the supply of information or continuous changes in the text & images.
- An additional fee of R240.00 an hour or R4.00 a minute will be charged if:
- We are asked to change the design once the original design is signed off.
- You require us to supply or search for photographs.
- Any photographs require touching up.
- Any photographs require cutting out.
- Information on the website is changed once already published.
- Information is not supplied in Microsoft Word or Notepad.
- We use plugins to give the web sites certain features. Some are free & some need to be bought. If we need to buy them & it wasn’t included in the quote, you will have to pay for the plugin.
- In very big jobs or jobs that take a long time to be completed because of delays by the customer. The customer may be required to pay for the web site in stages i.e. 50% on acceptance of quote, a further 20% after phase 2 & so on.
2. Domain Registration & Hosting of Web Sites: On acceptance of quote, we require the following:
- Confirmation of Domain name.
- Payment for registration of domain.
- Payment for 12 months of hosting in advance.
- clients details to register domain.
Name and Surname: Address: Tel Number: Email Address:
- Every year at the same time the hosting & domain name will need to be renewed.
- If you wish to cancel the hosting, we require 3 months written notification.
3. Web site maintenance: On completion of the web site:
- A decision must be made whether you will require a maintenance plan. If so, a 6 month or a year contract will need to be drawn up.
- If you do need updates, but not on a regular basis, you can contact us when the need arises & we will supply you with a quote.
- If you wish to do updates yourself & need advice or assistance at different times you may be charged for our time.
4. Printing: On acceptance of quote, we require the following:
- 100% of quoted amount to be paid upfront unless otherwise specified.
- Any design, setup, or changes to printed products, will require a charge of a design & setup fee.
- Any design or changes need to be signed off by the client prior to printing. This can be done via email to “commence printing.”
- By giving the instructions to “commence printing”, the client acknowledges that they accept that the proof is correct, accurate & free of errors. If the client wishes to make changes after they have given instructions to “commence printing”, they may be liable for extra charges.
- A hard copy of the design will be kept by us for any further printing requirements. If the client requires a hard copy, a small fee will be charged.
- Some printed products require a minimum amount to be printed. The amount ordered may affect the setup fee & overall cost.
5. Cartoons, Illustrations & Caricatures:
- If a caricature is required, the customer must supply an appropriate photograph.
- On completion of job, we require payment in full.
- The client must take any responsibility for any adverse consequences related to any cartoon or caricature published in their magazine or on their web site designed by Cyber Graphics or Alan Downey.
- Once the cartoon, illustrations or caricatures have been designed & published on the clients web site or in their magazine, we have the clients permission to display them on our web site as samples of our work.
- Cyber Graphics or Alan Downey are not responsible for any illegal use or downloading of cartoons, illustrations or caricatures from our web site.
6. Posting of printed or manufactured products
- The quote for manufactured or printed products does not include postage, packaging or insurance of the parcel while being posted.
- 100% of quoted amount must be paid for upfront unless otherwise specified.
- Although every effort will be made to make sure that the parcel arrives at its destination safely, we cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of a package once posted.
- Once the invoiced product is printed, manufactured & packaged, the product can then be weighed. The customer will then be supplied with the above mentioned costs.
- The customer must then settle the invoice asap.